Our Story

Carla Properties was founded in 1958 and began acquisition and management of commercial real estate investments in the greater Portland, Oregon area, with the purchase of a 50,000 square foot industrial building. Today, this building is still leased to the original tenant, Graybar Electric. From that first acquisition in 1958, we have acquired over 2,800 multifamily units, and a suburban industrial park. Carla Properties, Ltd., an Oregon corporation, was incorporated on September 22, 1975.

Since 1975, Carla Properties has increased its portfolio to its present level of over $500 million in assets under management. These assets now include over 2,000 multi-family housing units, suburban industrial park, and 170,000 sq. ft. of industrial warehouse space. These properties are located in the greater Portland Metropolitan Area.

Carla Properties organized and currently directs the operations of 19 real estate Limited Liability Companies (LLC’s). Over 200 investors participate in these ventures. Most of these investors have continued to invest funds with Carla Properties over a fifty year period and many continue to invest on behalf of their children and grandchildren.

Sharehholders & Officers

Paul H. Labby


Jessica D. Dhillon


Evan T. Labby